About Us

Who We Are

Melitakes is a group of people who agree that the quality of food is one of the fundamental factors that define our health and the quality of our lives. We envision a world where food is natural and available to all.

Our Philosophy

We believe that in order to produce pure products, it is essential to use traditional seeds, cultivated in soils without chemical burden, with respect for both the people who produce and consume the products, as well as nature and plants themselves. We adopt the principles of agroecology as a set of practices, a science, and an art simultaneously, which combines agriculture with ecology, quantity with quality, human activities with biodiversity, and social systems with environmental systems.

What We Aim For

Our primary goal is the production of pure and quality products. At the same time, we work to promote our region’s culture through actions such as reviving old professions, documenting and highlighting points of historical, archaeological, natural, therapeutic interest, etc., promoting local gastronomy and its specific health benefits, developing actions and structures that allow people from other places to visit our area and feel its pulse, creating incentives for young people to stay and take action here in a sustainable manner, leveraging the wisdom of local customs and traditions, all as ways to empower and unify our society. It’s a lot of work, hence the name Melitakes!

Our Place, Asterousia

After her union with Zeus, Europa married Asterion and became queen alongside him in the first kingdom of Crete. Here, Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon were raised, who later became the rulers of Knossos, Phaistos, and Malia respectively. According to archaeological findings, the Asterousia region is considered the origin of the Minoan world.