To live well, to act well in the Asterousia


“For trees and plants to blossom,
we need to love the earth.”

Pierre Rabhi

“For the animals that feed on them to thrive,
we need to love the earth.”

Pierre Rabhi

“For humans to live,
we need to love the earth.”

Pierre Rabhi

Why “Melitakes”?

“Melitakas” is the term for ant in the Cretan dialect. It derives from the medieval Greek equivalent “melitax”, which has its root in the ancient Greek word “méli” (honey). Indeed, the social structure of ants bears many similarities to that of bees. The complex society of ants is self-regulating and operates like a super-organism. Through collaboration, ants manage to construct entire underground cities, true architectural wonders, equipped with ventilation systems, intricate corridors, and countless rooms. There’s an excellent division of labor; all members know their task and seem never to sleep! Although ants set a high standard for effective collaboration, we choose to be inspired by them!